Monday, October 17, 2011

My Comments

Dr. Moeller,

Thanks for the good comments. Here are some thoughts about them.

From my reading I understood that it was a quote about the Information Revolutionists, not the cyber-marxists. DW is not positive about the material at all and the fact that he states that this is the dogma of the information revolutionists. Sorry if I did not make it clear that I understood the difference.

A cybermarx society is something that I am trying to nail down in my head and as I have more time to digest the material I will have a better idea of what I mean by that. However, I do have a feeling that it is a good explanation of the society we are in right now.

I certainly agree with DW, but I also think that we need to be wary of using Marxism in this society as we are open to the same problems that occured in the early 20th Century in Russia. Greed, over equality, always seems to win, and I am seeing that more and more in our society. Thanks,


1 comment:

  1. okay. that helps. you did read the section on the deaths of marxism, right? where DW explains that the soviet system was leninist socialism adapted to fordism? that it was state socialism, and not marxism, per se?
